Make a difference today

Securities & Stock

A Different Way to Give

When you make a gift of securities to Hospice Halifax, you provide someone in your community, and their loved ones, with the very best end-of-life care.  

A gift of securities is a simple way to make a meaningful gift, and it can have tax benefits for you as a donor.

When you donate publicly traded securities, you eliminate any capital gains taxes you would have to pay if you were to sell the security and donate the proceeds. In addition, you receive a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of your donation.

A patient being cared for

Gift of Securities Form

When you’re ready to make a gift of securities, please download the following form. It will provide you with the information needed to make the transfer, and provides Hospice Halifax with the information to issue you a tax receipt. 

Information For Your Advisor:

Hospice Society of Greater Halifax
Account# 270-33487-10

Patient and family member

Mom died peacefully at Hospice Halifax. She was not in pain. She was safe and secure. She was nurtured, cared for, and most importantly she was honoured and respected by a team of compassionate and professional caregivers.”

~ Ally Garber

Full charity name: Hospice Society of Greater Halifax

Canada Revenue Agency Charity Number: 869623215RR0001

Address:  618 Francklyn St, Halifax, NS B3H 3B4

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