Anne Campbell is a seasoned investment professional and entrepreneur who has recently transitioned from her professional career to unpaid work. During her investment career she was a founding
team member of the first discount brokerage firm in Canada and subsequently the regional leader of a national wealth management firm. Anne’s belief in the importance of contributing to her community has manifested itself in lifelong volunteerism that has included involvement in several Boards including the Nova Scotia Nature Trust, the QEII Hospital Foundation, Mount Saint Vincent University and Dalhousie University. Anne is an avid supporter of Devour! The Food Film Fest and the North Grove in Dartmouth. She is known for her collaborative leadership style, having led many teams in her professional and philanthropic career. Anne’s volunteer experience, her strong sense of family, commitment to inclusion and belief in quality end of life care have all contributed to her desire to be a member of the Board of Hospice Halifax.