Dr Rod Wilson, is a seasoned health care provider, with over thirty years experience as a nurse, physician, and health care executive in service to indigenous people across Canada, African Nova Scotians, members of LGBTQS community, people living with HIV and federal offenders on parole. Dr Wilson help established the Pride Health program at NS Health Authority, facilitated the creation of an evidence based working group on Transhealth and successfully lobbied for a new sustainable site for the Northend Community Health Centre He has held leadership roles with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of NS, Doctors NS, NS Department of Health and served on the governing council of the Nova Scotia Barrister Society Dr. Wilson has volunteered with NS AIDS Commission, Mental Health Foundation NS, Canadian Mental Health Association NS Division, Adsum Women and Children and Shelter Nova Scotia. Dr Wilson is an aspiring pilot and lives in Halifax with his partner and two Labrador retrievers.